Violet Femmes Compilation CD

I have been asked to be part of a female songs compilation cd called Violet Femmes. This is the debut cd, VOLUME 1!! and it is set to be released in the fall. Violet Femmes was created to promote our passionate, strong, and determined sisters in music. Too often we are not heard. Too often great music doesn't get the promotion it requires to get to every listeners ears!! There are so many talented women musicians and singer/songwriters in our neck of the woods who many of you out there have never even heard of. VioletFemmes Volume 1 intends to deal with this issue through promotion and availability. The Cd will be sent out to radio, TV, the print media, the music press and internet media. The cd will also be available for purchase via RPW records online. For more info, you can visit the VIOLET FEMMES myspace page at:, contact Pam at: or visit RPW records at: I'm so happy to be a part of something like this where women get together, support one another, and shine together!!! It is a great example for our children! There are plans for a September concert in Vancouver B.C. featuring artists from the CD and there will also be a Violet Femmes Festival in the summer of 2008. I will let everyone know when this cd is released and keep you all updated on any concert/festival dates. So until then: take care & enjoy!!

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